New Zealand Railway Documents
We have accumulated a vast amount of information from archive sources
Some documents that may be of interest:
Heritage Listings
All rail-related items recorded or listed by territorial authorities, NZHPT, DoC, IPENZ and RHTNZ. Includes all items in our Rail Heritage Register
Heritage listings (PDF Format)
Heritage listings (Excel format)
NZR Bulletin Index
An index to the NZR Staff Bulletin, which has lots of items of interest to railway enthusiasts
NZR Bulletin Index (PDF)
NZR Mileage Table 1957
Opening & closing dates for all sections of line. NZR official publication
Mileage Table (PDF)
Station Opening and Closing Dates
Opening & closing dates for all stations. Prepared by Juliet Scoble
Date and Names (PDF)
Station Archive
Snippets about NZR locations. Prepared by Juliet Scoble
Station Archive (Excel)
Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, but at times the limited availability of historical information may have led to unintentional inaccuracies. We appreciate any comments or corrections that will improve the quality of information. Please contact us at:
Rail Heritage Trust of New Zealand
PO Box 593
Ph: 04 498 3089